La Asociación Tota Pulchra, en colaboración con stuporart, ha producido un volumen en honor del Papa Benedicto XVI, profundizando en la conexión entre arte, belleza y ética con la esperanza de inspirar un nuevo Renacimiento.



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“Benedict XVI. Art is a Doorway to the Infinite. Aesthetic Theology for a New Renaissance” (published by Fabrizio Fabbri Editore and Ars Illuminandi, 2017), which will be presented to the public at 11:00 AM on Saturday, April 22nd at the Palazzo della Cancelleria, Rome, is born as a tribute from the cultural association “Tota Pulchra” to His Holiness Benedict XVI, who is about to cross the threshold of his nineties with the same faith and courage he had as a young man, when he decided to devote himself to God out of love for Him, because “He takes nothing away and gives everything.”

April 16th, 2017: eagerly anticipated by the Catholic world with infinite joy and great affection, it is a date that represents the entire life journey of Joseph Ratzinger, once a son of Catholic Bavaria and now a beloved guardian of faith, always ready to enrich the Church and the human experience of every Christian with great innovation and conviction, placing the imago Dei at the center of everything. Crossing the corridor of art through a deliberate collection of dissertations by Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI, Monsignor Jean Marie Gervais, coadjutor prefect of the Vatican Chapter, member of the Apostolic Penitentiary and founder of “Tota Pulchra,” and the Vaticanist Alessandro Notarnicola, sought to gather reflections from the Pontiffs of the 20th century on art and the via pulchritudinis. This work would not have been possible without the unprecedented contributions of the artist Bruno Ceccobelli, author of the ten panels that, interspersed among the interventions, speeches, and messages of the Emeritus Pope, embellish the volume, and Professor Mariano Apa, who, by commenting on the realization of each one, explains to the reader the refined and intimate spirituality of Joseph Ratzinger.

“The pages of this volume have as their constant thread this message: let us listen, meditate, and, above all, seek true beauty. The world today urgently needs truly beautiful people and not masks that first seduce and then bitterly disappoint,” writes Cardinal Angelo Comastri in the preface to the work, General Vicar of His Holiness for the State of Vatican City, Archpriest of St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, and President of the Fabric of St. Peter, thanking the authors and publishers for recalling with this deliberate collection of dissertations the thoughts of the Emeritus Pope on art and beauty.

Reading the ten interventions of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and Pope Benedict XVI, the reader will rediscover the artistic wonders that have adorned the Vatican for centuries and the relationships that have bound the Popes of history to artists. From Pius XII to Francis, the Catholic Church has always shown great curiosity towards the world of arts, from figurative to cinematic arts. As Pope Ratzinger emphasized when receiving artists in the Sistine Chapel on November 21st, 2009, and recalling the previous meeting with Paul VI (May 7th, 1964), art is necessary for the Gospel and the spread of the Word: “The current moment – observed on that occasion Benedict XVI – is unfortunately marked, in addition to negative phenomena at the social and economic levels, also by a weakening of hope, by a certain distrust in human relationships, which leads to signs of resignation, aggressiveness, and despair growing. The world in which we live, then, risks changing its face due to the not always wise work of man who, instead of cultivating its beauty, exploits the resources of the planet without conscience for the benefit of a few, and often disfigures its natural wonders. What can restore enthusiasm and confidence, what can encourage the human spirit to find its way again, to raise its gaze to the horizon, to dream of a life worthy of its vocation if not beauty? You artists know well that the experience of the beautiful, of authentic beauty, not ephemeral or superficial, is not something accessory or secondary in the search for meaning and happiness because such an experience does not distance from reality, but, on the contrary, leads to a close confrontation with daily life, to free it from darkness and transfigure it, to make it bright, beautiful.”


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